This service is available for all students, and the lowest guardianship package available for under 14’s.
This costs £150 per year for registration plus £650 per term. A disbursement of £1000 is required on registering to be used for emergency and non-emergency expenses.
Included are two visits per term by an allocated guardian to check all is well. These will be conducted at school or at the boarding house. During these visits our guardian is available to talk through any worries the child might have and will do her best to remedy these issues as soon as possible, if not immediately. However academic issues are not the responsibility of the guardian in the Full service.
An Eltive guardian is contactable 24/7 in an emergency to be on hand and make any necessary arrangements. In this event a call out fee, hourly rate and expenses are chargeable. The child’s allocated guardian is contactable during office hours for all other issues and will be responsible for arranging the child’s airport transfers and holiday care, for which all costs will be invoiced termly in advance.
Two visits included per term
Allocated Guardian
24/7 Emergency call outs
Holiday care arranging

Eltive is accredited by Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) which is an independent body providing accreditation services for independent, further and higher education colleges.
ASIC accreditation helps students and parents make a more informed choice and will also help a school, college, university, training provider or distance education provider, demonstrate to the international student body that they are a high quality institution.